
A turbulence controller device which will be bought by the academic/research experimentalist because you can simulate natural turbulence.

AgriNutrients AI

SaaS that compiles mountains of data from farm IoT devices to synthesize solutions that help farmers through problem detection and optimization.


Agios finds vulnerabilities in smart contracts.

Bevan Health Limited

UK/US-based digital health venture in stealth mode


The removal of ureteral stents is a psychologically and physically painful process. Our goal is to reduce the pain associated with the procedure and enable greater ease of use. We are also exploring the possibility of use in pediatric patients that can potentially open up an entire new area of operation.


Compliance automation solutions for Canadian immigration lawyers & consultants.

The Strainer Co

We source top talent from consolidated companies final hiring stages and place them in other companies optimizing recruitment resources for both

Guld Co.

Webi utilizes digital marketing and AI to build community between cosmetologists and their clientele

WalkThru Virtual Reality

WalkThru is a virtual reality streaming service combatting isolation, depression, and anxiety in long-term care facilities.


AI shopping assistant that scrapes internet to tell you what people think about a product