Demo Day 2024 Save the Date! Register Now!

Save the Date – Demo Day 2024 Will Be on August 29

Save the date for CREATE-X Demo Day 2024 and meet this year’s cohort of exceptional students, researchers, alumni, and faculty launching impactful startups.

Visionaries in Action: Demo Day 2024

Join us on August 29, 2024, for GT Demo Day, the signature event of CREATE-X’s Startup Launch program. This year marks a decade of transforming exceptional students into impactful startup founders creating $2B+ in startup valuations.

Why Attend Demo Day?

  • Discover Technologies Driving Impact: GT graduates the most AI engineers in the country and leads in Clean Tech research. Meet founders leveraging the latest technologies to solving challenging problems through their startups. 
  • Network with Founders, Investors, and Industry Leaders:  CREATE-X Demo Day is a signature event attracting crowds from around the world and locally.  200+ newly-minted founders will be entering the booming entrepreneurial ecosystem.
  • Support Next-Gen Entrepreneurs: Your presence bolsters the growth of these ventures, contributing to a vibrant ecosystem of innovation.

Our CREATE-X Alumni: StordReframeWattchGimme VendingGrubbly FarmsStrapt VendingFIXDLZRD TechSlateSafety (formerly FireHud), and more have built startups creating a total portfolio valuation of over $2B across a variety of industry. 

Experience the Evolution of Innovation at Demo Day 2024:

Last year, Demo Day attracted over 1,500 attendees and showcased nearly 100 startups with solutions in health, fashion, technology, and more. Witness new breakthroughs and pioneering solutions and ventures brought to life by our talented community.

RSVP Now: Secure your spot at Demo Day 2024 and be part of the journey as we unveil the latest cohort of startups poised to become industry leaders.

About Startup Launch: CREATE-X’s Startup Launch has been the catalyst for over 450 startups, with a combined valuation surpassing $2 billion. Our 12-week summer accelerator provides mentorship, seed funding, and a network that empowers founders to make a tangible impact.

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