Avoid staying hangry by using Queues, a CREATE-X alumn company, to know how long wait times are at campus dining locations

Ethos Medical, founded by three engineering alums, secured funding to test their lumbar puncture system

Startup Crescendo acquired by Ultimate Guitar

Engineers Kolby Hanley and Lee Whitcher leverage just-in-time manufacturing to create respirator parts to address the shortage of health care equipment

Teams presented innovative product ideas to a group of judges from the tech, business, and healthcare fields

The approach helps students an develop entrepreneurial mindset, where they see themselves as engineers ready and able to act with the skills they're learning

The event will take place on Monday, December 6 in the Marcus Nanotechnology Building atrium from 5 to 7 p.m.

During the virtual event, student teams worked rapidly and collaboratively to propose one or more applications for Georgia Tech research patents and produce five-minute videos about the applications.

On the episode titled “A Materials World – Hacks & Gizmos with Neil deGrasse Tyson and Jud Ready,” Tyson and co-hosts speak with Dr. Jud Ready about some of his students’ inventions including the LZRD sleeve.

His talk was titled, “Enabling student ownership of making, invention, and entrepreneurship.”